How to Throw a Screwball?

Casting a perfect screwball remains a coveted skill in the world of baseball. This unique pitch perplexes batters, leaving them awestruck and frustrated. Mastering it can elevate a pitcher’s status to new heights.

The screwball, when executed correctly, breaks away from the batter’s swing, making it a formidable weapon in a pitcher’s arsenal. This article delves into the mechanics and techniques that make this pitch so effective, guiding you through the process step by step.

Unleash your inner baseball maven and learn the secrets behind this enigmatic pitch. Empower yourself with knowledge and practice, and soon enough, you’ll leave batters baffled with your newfound skill.

The Mechanics of a Screwball Pitch

The Grip

To throw a screwball, you must first master the grip. Grip the ball with your index and middle fingers on the seams, similar to a two-seam fastball. 

Place your thumb on the bottom seam, providing support and control. Your ring and pinky fingers should rest lightly on the side of the ball, without applying pressure.

Arm Positioning

Your arm positioning plays a crucial role in executing a proper screwball. When preparing to throw the pitch, your elbow should be bent and positioned slightly above shoulder height. Your forearm should be angled slightly inward, with your wrist cocked back.

Release and Wrist Action

The screwball’s unique movement comes from the wrist action during the release. As you release the ball, snap your wrist outward, turning your hand counterclockwise. This motion will create the distinctive spin that causes the ball to break away from right-handed batters.

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How to Throw a Screwball: Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Find the Right Grip

Begin by gripping the ball as described in the previous section. Ensure that your index and middle fingers are positioned correctly along the seams and that your thumb is providing ample support from beneath.

Step 2: Set Your Stance

Assume your regular pitching stance on the rubber, with your feet shoulder-width apart and your weight evenly distributed. Keep your eyes focused on the catcher’s target and prepare to initiate your windup.

Step 3: Begin Your Windup

As you start your windup, pivot your back foot and lift your front leg, driving your knee upward. Maintain your balance and keep your eyes locked on the target.

Step 4: Rotate Your Arm

Bring your throwing arm forward, ensuring that your elbow remains bent and positioned above shoulder height. As your arm reaches the 12 o’clock position, begin to rotate your forearm inward, preparing for the release.

Step 5: Release the Ball

As you reach the point of release, snap your wrist outward, turning your hand counterclockwise. This motion will generate the unique spin required for the screwball to break away from the batter. 

Follow through with your arm, ensuring a smooth and controlled motion to maximize accuracy and minimize the risk of injury.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Inconsistent Grip

An inconsistent grip can lead to unpredictable results when throwing a screwball. Ensure that your fingers are correctly positioned along the seams and that your thumb provides proper support. Practice gripping the ball until it feels comfortable and natural in your hand.

Incorrect Arm Position

Maintaining the correct arm position is essential for executing an effective screwball. Keep your elbow bent and slightly above shoulder height throughout your windup and delivery. 

Avoid dropping your arm too low or raising it too high, as this can impact the pitch’s movement and control.

Inadequate Wrist Snap

The wrist snap is a crucial component of the screwball’s movement. Focus on developing a sharp, outward snap during the release, turning your hand counterclockwise. This motion will generate the necessary spin for the pitch to break away from the batter.

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The Importance of Practicing Your Screwball

Developing Muscle Memory

To master the screwball, you must develop muscle memory through consistent practice. Repeating the correct mechanics will help to solidify the necessary movements in your mind, allowing you to execute the pitch more efficiently and effectively.

Improving Accuracy and Control

As you practice your screwball, your accuracy and control will naturally improve. This increased precision will make it more challenging for batters to anticipate and make contact with the pitch, giving you a competitive edge on the mound.

How to Improve Your Screwball Pitch

Focus on Arm Strength and Flexibility

Developing arm strength and flexibility is essential for throwing a successful screwball. Incorporate strength training exercises and stretching routines into your regular workout regimen to maximize your pitching potential.

Master Your Grip and Release

A consistent grip and proper release are critical for generating the unique spin required for a screwball. Dedicate ample practice time to perfecting these elements, ensuring that each pitch is delivered with precision and control.

Perfect Your Timing and Coordination

The timing and coordination involved in throwing a screwball are crucial for achieving optimal movement and deception. Practice your windup, arm rotation, and release, focusing on synchronizing each element for a seamless and effective pitch.

Screwball vs. Other Breaking Pitches

The Curveball

The curveball is another popular breaking pitch, characterized by its downward movement. While the grip and release for a curveball are different from those of a screwball, both pitches rely on wrist action and spin to generate movement.

The Slider

The slider is a hybrid between a fastball and a breaking ball, featuring lateral movement and a slightly slower velocity than a fastball. The grip and release for a slider are unique, requiring a combination of finger pressure and wrist action to achieve the desired movement.

The Changeup

The changeup is a deceptive pitch designed to look like a fastball but thrown with a slower velocity. While the grip and mechanics for a changeup differ from those of a screwball, both pitches aim to disrupt the batter’s timing and induce weak contact or swings and misses.

Famous Screwball Pitchers in Baseball History

Some of the most renowned screwball pitchers in baseball history include Christy Mathewson, Carl Hubbell, and Fernando Valenzuela. 

These legendary pitchers demonstrated exceptional skill and mastery of the screwball, paving the way for future generations of pitchers to study and develop this unique pitch.


Is the screwball a difficult pitch to learn?

While the screwball can be more challenging to master than some other pitches, with consistent practice and dedication, most pitchers can develop the necessary mechanics and control to throw it effectively.

Can throwing a screwball cause injury?

As with any pitch, proper mechanics and conditioning are crucial to minimizing the risk of injury. Focus on developing proper technique, arm strength, and flexibility to reduce strain on your arm and shoulder when throwing a screwball.

Why is the screwball less common than other pitches?

The screwball’s unique movement and mechanics make it more challenging to learn and execute compared to some other pitches. Additionally, some coaches may be hesitant to teach the screwball due to concerns about injury risk, although proper technique and conditioning can help mitigate this risk.

Final Verdict: Mastering the Screwball

The screwball is a rare and captivating weapon in a pitcher’s arsenal, capable of confounding even the most skilled batters. By dedicating time and effort to mastering the mechanics, grip, and release of this elusive pitch, you can elevate your game and gain a competitive edge on the mound. 

While the journey to throwing a perfect screwball may be challenging, the satisfaction of watching batters swing and miss at your deceptive pitch makes the hard work well worth it. So, grab your glove, find your grip, and start practicing – the art of the screwball awaits.

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